Safety procedures and customer information for safe dining
Cosy Joe’s Bar has put in place all safety measures as per HSE guidelines for safe re-opening. We want to ensure that our patrons have a safe and relaxing experience and that they can feel confident in visiting Cosy Joe’s to dine or for drinks. Cosy Joe’s Bar has been awarded the Failte Ireland Safety Charter.
The following processes are in place throughout the premises:
All staff wear face coverings and staff temperatures are checked on arrival to work and at regular intervals throughout their shift. Regular sanitising of hands is required of all staff
Cosy Joe’s management and senior staff are trained in Infection Control through the VFI training programme.
Customers are encouraged to book in advance.
On arrival to Cosy Joe’s Bar all customers have their temperature checked and contact tracing details are recorded for each party. The Digital Covid Certificate is checked for each indoor diner and those who do not have a certificate can still avail of our comfortable outdoor dining areas.
Hand sanitisers are in place at all entrances and exits to outdoor and indoor areas as well as on all tables and customers are encouraged to use these.
Face coverings must be worn when entering and leaving the premises and when moving through the premises. They can be removed once the customer is seated.
Social distancing
Signage is in place to remind customers and staff of the requirements for social distancing.
Tables have been laid out according to HSE guidelines and multiple screens are in place. When customers vacate a table, the table and surrounding area are sanitised before the next seating.